
BSIDE's Course requirements

BSIDE’s course requirements can be found at Program Overview. A link to a sample 4-year road map is also available on that page.   


Students should visit the Engineering Students Success Center (ESSC) for General Education advising and transfer equivalency evaluation.  

All engineering students are required to meet their major advisor every semester.  Students are blocked from registering classes for the following semester before meeting an advisor.    

Prof. Ahmed Banafa is the IDE undergraduate advisor.  Students can make   an appointment with Prof. Banafa by emailing him at

Major course proposal

IDE students must submit a ‘major course proposal’ to an IDE advisor for approval before starting their Junior year.  This proposal serves the following two purposes:  

  • It documents the progress of a student’s study toward completing the BSIDE’s major course requirements. This includes the equivalency of transfer courses and substitution of required courses, if there is any. 
  • IDE students use this form to propose their choices of elective courses. There are three types of elective courses as explained in the Program Overview

The proposal, once approved, is a complete list of major courses that are required for graduation with a BSIDE degree. This proposal is necessary because all elective courses require an IDE advisor’s approval. Courses that are not on the approved proposal may not be used to meet course requirements for graduation. 

Students wish to change their approved proposal should submit a new complete proposal instead of asking for changing individual courses. IDE advisors only approve a proposal as a package, not course by course.  For this reason, students should not assume a course that was on an approved proposal will be approved in a new proposal.  

The approval of a proposal is not a guarantee of enrollment in the courses listed in the proposal. It is students’ responsibility to enroll in and to complete the courses. Some of the reasons for not being able to enroll in a class are:

  • The course is not offered in that semester.
  • The student does not meet the pre-requisite.
  • The class is full. Some departments give their major students the enrollment priority. 

Prior to having an appointment with an advisor, the student should complete their major course proposal as much as possible. A blank and a sample of the proposal are available below. Note that the proposal does not include General Education courses. 

Started at 菠菜网lol正规平台 before Fall 2020.

Started at 菠菜网lol正规平台 in or after Fall 2020.

The proposal should be submitted to an IDE advisor via DocuSign. View a tutorial on DocuSign.


The graduation application process and submission deadlines can be found on this website. As indicated in this website, BSIDE graduation application process is still done in ‘paper format’.  This is due to the customizability of the IDE curriculum. 

BSIDE students are required to submit an approved Major Form via an IDE advisor in the beginning of their Senior year. Major Form contains the same information as the major course proposal. Major Form is an official form that should be submitted to the Registrar’s Office in the beginning of students’ senior year and is used for the official graduation check. Major course proposal, on the other hand, is used a worksheet and as a record of courses that are approved by the advisor. A blank major form is available below and it should be filled out in the same way as for the major course proposal.  Normally, students can simply copy the courses listed in the approved major course proposal to the Major Form. 

Started at 菠菜网lol正规平台 in or after Fall 2020.