Committee to Enhance Equity and Diversity (CEED) Awards
CEED Mission Statement
To enhance the mission of the College of Health and Human Sciences by promoting a deeper understanding of equity and diversity by recognizing and being responsive to issues on age, class, disability, ethnicity, gender, race, religion, and sexual orientation.
The purpose of the CEED Awards is to recognize those individuals and groups that have demonstrated excellence in promoting and fostering a deeper understanding of equity and diversity as they relate to issues of age, class, disability, ethnicity, gender, race, religion and/or sexual orientation.
To qualify for these awards, the nominees must satisfy one or more of the following
Outstanding service to equity and diversity enhancement on the San José State University campus;
Outstanding service to equity and diversity enhancement in the community;
Outstanding activities and projects that contribute to a better understanding of equity and diversity issues.
CEED Award Categories
- Undergraduate Student Award
- Graduate Student Award
- Faculty Award
- Staff Award
- Student Organization Award
2019-2020 CEED Award Winners
- Faculty Service Award - Jihyun Lee
- Graduate Student Award - Julius Javier
- Undergraduate Student Award - Rae-Ann Santos
- Student Organization Award - Student Occupational Therapy Association