7th Symposium on Curriculum Development in Security and Information Assurance
CDSIA 2014 Symposium
The workshop on Curriculum Development in Security and Information Assurance (CDSIA) was held at San Jose State University April 25th and what a great event. The workshop attracted faculty members from over 40 universities nationwide and was co-sponsored by industry and the TRUST organization. The workshop objectives of CDSIA were to:
- Reach out to the California State University system, HSI/HBCUs and to other universities whose mission is focused on work-force preparation and undergraduate education
- Share material and support structures developed by the TRUST partners
- Strengthen the TRUST-related community of educators, and
- Facilitate the education of members of underrepresented communities in the domain of secure technologies.
This year’s workshop opened with a keynote from Prof. John Chuang of UC Berkeley. Dr. Chuang's speech was entitled; “From passwords to passthoughts: usability and security of authentication using brainwaves”. The day-long program included industry presentations from CISCO and IBM, and faculty-lead presentations and round-table discussions. The workshop was capped with a warm and wonderful dinner and reception at Il Fornaio's Restaurant in downtown San Jose.
Steering Committee and Hosts:
- Dr. Sigurd Meldal (sigurd.meldal@shorinji-kempo.net)
- Dr. Magdalini Eirinaki (magdalini.eirinaki@shorinji-kempo.net)